January 2, 2012

Who is my neighbor? by Steve Moore

In our connected world, it’s extremely easy to stay aware of what’s going on in places far from where we live.  At the same time, it can be overwhelming to be surrounded by all the negative things in our world.  Who can we really help?  Where do we start?   In “Who is my neighbor?”, Moore offers suggestions for deciding where and how to help, knowing we can’t do it all.

One of our problems is assuming someone else will take action.  Part of our assumptions are probably due to being overwhelmed by the big picture.  However overwhelmed we may be, we still need to take some action, no matter how small it may seem.  Start somewhere. As we reach out to help others, we learn what we care about.  Throughout the book, Moore offers inspirational stores, such as the one about Julio Diaz and his reponse to a would-be mugger.  (I recommend reading his story on NPR).  

To get started and find your passions, he encourages readers to do a few things.  Reflect back on your experiences through your life, significant relationships, special circumstances, personal milestones, and times of failure. Doing this will help you unearth areas that are important to you.  Look for themes to help you find your purpose and try different things one activity at a time.  He also offers links to free webinars where readers can find additional tools to help them answer the question “Who is my nieghbor?” and how to help them.

Disclaimer:  I received this book for free from NavPress in exchange for a review.

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