April 16, 2016

Biblical Counseling and the Church by Kellemen and Carson

Counseling comes in many forms and may not always need to be done by someone with graduate training and licensing. For members of a church, everyone can play some role in encouraging those around them.

In Biblical Counseling and the Church, Kelleman and Carson encourage people to look at life through the lens of God's word and the role each person in the congregation can play.

Some churches will have small groups to help people growth in their faith. Others may have "redemption groups" where people walk each other through specific challenging times.

Regardless of how this work is done in the church, groups and counseling ministries need to come under the authority of the church. With appropriate leadership and pure motives, churches can become known as churches OF biblical counseling and not just ones that offer counseling.

The 496 page book with multiple authors definitely serves as a reference guide more than a book to read from front to back. However, it is a rich resource for any church who recognizes  the important work the church can do when it comes to counseling.

Though since this is strictly a "nouthetic" perspective, those who are interested in a broader view of counseling may want to explore a book on secular methods, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.  The book would also benefit with suggested actions for when it is time to refer someone out to a trained clinician.

Note: I received this book from Cross Focused Reviews (A Service of Cross Focused Media, LLC) in exchange for a honest review.

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