October 19, 2013

The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good by Peter Greer

Service is good but it doesn’t matter to God if our motives aren’t right.  He wants us to serve out of gratitude to Him and as a response to His grace rather than to build ourselves up.  Greer’s viewpoint on service will alarm non-Christians because he says good works are wasted when they’re apart from a relationship with Christ.  Even Christians may be guilty of doing good to earn “points” so this book serves as a reminder to focus on the “who” rather than the “what”.

Greer’s book does has a heavy focus on marriage and family relationships which won’t appeal to singles.  However, his message of significant and success coming from our identity in Christ rather than in what we do is relevant to everyone.  All followers of Christ are in full-time ministry.

Disclaimer:  I received this book for free from Bethany house in exchange for an honest review.

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